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The 5 main IT security threats in business

IT security has become an absolute imperative for all businesses, regardless of their size or field of activity. Cyclop offers a review of the 5 most common IT security threats you may face today, along with practical advice on how to protect yourself against these threats.

1. Social engineering

Social engineering is a technique used by cybercriminals to manipulate individuals into disclosing sensitive information or taking actions against their will. Social engineering attacks often exploit the trust or gullibility of victims, as well as any information that may be available online.

Actions to take :

  • Educare your employees about social engineering techniques.
  • Implement identify verification procedures.

2. Physical security threats

In addition to digital threats, businesses must also be concerned about the physical security risks to their infrastructure. These threats encompass various scenarios, including unauthorised access to data centres, client IT premises, network ports within offices, wireless communication eavesdropping, spying through windows, and many others.

Actions to take :

  • Strengthen access security with control systems (badges, electronic locks, cameras).
  • Raise employee awareness about physical security and visitor recognition.
  • Encrypt communications to guard against eavesdropping using specific protocols.
  • Use privacy filters on windows to prevent visual espionage.

3. Network intrusions

Network intrusions occur when cybercriminals manage to illegally access a computer network, often by exploiting security vulnerabilities. Once inside, they can steal or corrupt data, spy on activities, and cause significant damage.

Actions to take :

  • Implement firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
  • Develop strong security policies.
  • Monitor security logs for suspicious activities.

4. Denial of services (DDoS) attacks

Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks aim to make a website or service unavailable by overwhelming it with unnecessary traffic. This can lead to online activity disruption, revenue losses, and damage to the company’s reputation.

Actions à prendre :

  • Use DDoS protection services..
  • Monitor for unusual traffic spikes and prepare an emergency plan.

5. Application weaknesses

Application weaknesses refer to vulnerabilities in the software or applications used by a business. Hackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to access sensitive data or take control of computer systems.

Actions to take :

  • Regularly update your applications.
  • Conduct security testing and audits.

On the road to enhanced IT security

By understanding these threats and taking proactive measures to protect yourself, you can strengthen your company’s security. IT security is a collective responsibility, so ensure you involve all members of your organisation to minimise risks.

Some technologies, such as Cyclop’s EDR solution, offer enhanced protection for your endpoints and allow you to minimise risks associated with data loss, business interruptions, and the financial consequences that follow.

Some technologies, such as Cyclop’s EDR solution, offer enhanced protection for your endpoints and allow you to minimise risks associated with data loss, business interruptions, and the financial consequences that follow.