Digital sovereignty in the cloud

Digital sovereignty in the cloud: decoding extraterritoriality and benefits of a cloud hosted in Luxembourg

In the complex landscape of cloud computing, the issue of digital sovereignty is gaining increasing importance. While numerous companies offer cloud services, the precise location of servers and the associated legal implications are often overlooked. It’s therefore essential to understand the concept of extraterritoriality in the cloud and highlight the advantages of choosing a cloud hosted in Luxembourg.

Understanding extraterritoriality

Extraterritoriality refers to the reach of laws and regulations beyond national borders. In the context of the cloud, this means that data may be subject to the laws of the country where the servers are physically located.

For example, consider a company based in Luxembourg using an American cloud service. If sensitive data is stored on servers of an American host, it could be subjected to US laws such as the Cloud Act. This means that US authorities could potentially access these data, raising significant concerns regarding privacy and data protection. Extraterritoriality can thus translate into very real and sometimes unforeseen risks (complex legal procedures, illegitimate access, etc.)

It becomes crucial to understand the exact location of your cloud infrastructure to ensure compliance and guarantee the protection of sensitive data.

The choice of Luxembourg

Cyclop, based in Luxembourg, has taken significant steps to ensure the digital sovereignty of its clients. Unlike some major American or international companies providing cloud services in Europe without always specifying the precise location of the servers, our cloud infrastructure, including services such as Compute, BaaS, DRaaS, S3 storage, and Kubernetes, is hosted in Luxembourg. This offers our clients total transparency and guarantee regarding the location of their data.

Benefits of being located in Luxembourg

  • Compliance and regulations : Luxembourg, as a member state of the European Union, follows the EU’s and the CSSF’s strict data protection regulations (GDPR). By choosing Cyclop’s cloud, you benefit from de facto compliance with these regulations.

  • Enhanced security : The location in Luxembourg offers increased security due to its advanced infrastructures and stringent security standards. The risks associated with extraterritoriality, such as illegitimate access or complex legal implications, are mitigated.

  • Digital sovereignty : By choosing a cloud hosted in Luxembourg, you strengthen your digital sovereignty by maintaining control over the location of your sensitive data, away from potentially complex extraterritorial jurisdictions.

Towards enhanced digital sovereignty

In the world of cloud computing, digital sovereignty becomes a crucial choice criterion. By opting for a cloud hosted in Luxembourg, you not only benefit from total transparency regarding the location of your data but also substantial advantages in terms of compliance, security, and digital sovereignty. Making the right choice in cloud services is not limited to technical features but also encompasses crucial considerations such as geographical location and data protection. We understand that trust is at the heart of the relationship, and that’s why we place great importance on offering complete visibility over the location of your sensitive information.